You Can Be On Time!

People draw conclusions about us—about our character and our intentions when we are late.  No matter how good our intentions, and how much we strive to be punctual, when we are late (especially chronically late), people really do perceive us as “flaky”, inconsiderate, disrespectful, and unreliable as well.

There can be an incredible amount of stress around our struggles with punctuality—and it can affect us at home, at work, and in every aspect of our lives–when we’re constantly on “high-alert” trying and struggling to be on time for our commitments.

In this course, learn why you struggle with punctuality get tools to improve your ability to be on-time and reduce the stress in your life that comes from constantly racing the clock!

6 Modules

Module 1: How our Struggle with Punctuality Impacts Us

In this session, we are going to talk about punctuality which, as an aspect of time management, can be a big struggle for many of us with ADHD.

We all have the same 24 hours in each day, but some of us seem to make more of those hours than others do, right? 

Time management is a topic for which many of my clients with ADHD come to me for help, but Time Management is really not a single skill, rather it’s a complex set of skills and behaviors.

Module 2: Why is it so Hard to be On Time Anyway?

Why is it so hard to be On Time Anyway?  

Learn why you struggle to be on-time and what gets in your way so that you can start to improve your punctuality!

Module 3: How You Think About Being On Time, and Why it Matters

Now, let's take a deeper look at how you Think About Being On Time, and Why it Matters. 

Module 4: Solutions & Strategies

Learn Practical Solutions and Strategies to improve your Punctuality!

Modules for this product 6
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