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Get it Done 90-Day Program

Take Control | Unlock Your Potential | Find Freedom and Fulfillment

Introducing the New 90-Day Group Coaching Experience

Get it Done with Lynne Edris Group logo. www.ProcrastinationProgram.com

Break the Chains of Procrastination & Avoidance,
For Good.

Cut the Anchor of Overwhelm.

Forge your Path to Freedom and Fulfillment!

Unleashed 90-Day Time Management Mentoring Program

Welcome to the "Unleashed"© 90-Day Program!

Stop Struggling with Under-Performance and Unmet Potential!

Discover How to Master Your Productivity with Lynne Edris' "Unleashed" 90-Day Program

 The Next Live Group starts late summer 2024

Free Up Hours in Your Day While Being More Productive Than Ever Before

If you are a busy professional who is overwhelmed by all you have to do and distractions, I've designed this program to help free you from the bondage of time!

You Will Learn...

  • How to take control of your Calendar Effectively using my proven Calendar-Management System which has helped clients free up a minimum of 5-10 hours every week.
  • My simple System for a daily To-Do List that never feels overwhelming and actually gets done, consistently.
  • How to Ensure Your Big Projects and the "Right Things" Get Done.
  • My Simple Strategies to Keep Email from Ruling Your Days.
  • How to Automate Almost Everything to Liberate Yourself from Those Repetitive, Boring, Soul-Sucking Tasks.

The Program Includes...

  • 90-Days of Active Implementation with 10 lesson Modules and 9 Live Group workshop Calls 
  • The 3 A's of Behavior Change: Action, Application, and Accountability
  • My Action Guides for Taking Control of Your Time
  • A Private Facebook Group for Support and Accountability
  • Access to Additional Tools and Resources in the Private Membership Platform

Seats are very limited in this small group time-management and productivity mentoring program! If you're ready to take control of your time and tackle your to-dos with ease so that you have more time and more energy for what matters most, click the button below to save your spot today!

Paper Management Made Easy

Droves of paper flood our homes and offices every day: memos and mail, bills and magazines, notices and schedules. Sometimes it feels like a never-ending battle. Our war on paper costs us time and money every day. But more than that, it costs us peace of mind and it costs us control.  

Learning to effectively manage the never-ending stream of paper that flows into and out of our lives enables us to regain that control of our spaces, our time and our energy! It gives us a greater sense of peace, and calm, and enables us to perform at the level of our abilities. And that is truly priceless!

Learn why paper management is such a struggle, and get simple tools to help you create your own systems for managing paper effectively–systems that work for you, with your own natural strengths, tendencies, and how you process information. When you’re working from your strengths, you can win the war on paper yourself, once and for all!

Click the button below to buy this course and Win the War on Paper, For Good!

Time Freedom Challenge© Program

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Take Back Your Time and Get Un-Busy!

In just 5 easy-to-follow steps, you’ll get the keys to Take Control of Your Days, Amplify your Productivity, and Get the Right Things Done more quickly and easily so that you have the Freedom you desire For What Matters Most! 

Lynne will guide you, step-by-step, through a five-part processes to help you take control of your days and your to-dos, without working harder! 

Work along with Lynne using the companion worksheet for each lesson, with clear fieldwork exercises to help apply what you're learning in your actual life with practical, action- and implementation-oriented steps. 

Join Lynne to work through the practical steps in the original 5-day challenge at your own pace so you can. . .

  • Change your life by changing the way you run each average day! 
  • Create free time, energy and bandwidth for the things that matter most to you. 
  • Get “The Right Things” done more easily and more consistently.
  • Stop time-wasters, avoidance, procrastination and overwhelm from stealing your life

This is for you if you:

  • Work hard all week and on Friday you STILL have a million things on your to-do list
  • Check off lots of things all day, every day, but never seem to get to those projects that you really want to complete
  • Spend your days in reactive mode, putting out fires and living in emails.
  • Sometimes wonder “What’s the point? Why am I working so hard?”
  • Start worrying about your week on Sunday. (When was the last time you looked forward to Monday?)

What You'll Get:

  • The video recordings of 5 application-oriented trainings to help you take back your time
  • Audio and PDF transcript downloads for each training so that you can go through them in ways that work best for you; 
  • A companion worksheet for each training to work along with Lynne for each training;
  • Companion fieldwork exercises for each training to ensure that you're applying what you learn in your actual, everyday life. 

Application and Consistent Action are the Keys to Lasting Change! 

What We’ll Cover in The Time Freedom Challenge!

Step 1: Command Your Calendar. Take control of your calendar and set it up in a way that helps you accomplish what matters more easily, AND claim more free time!

Step 2: Design Your Ideal Life. Get clear on the life you really want so you can create it!

Step 3: Prioritize What Matters. Make sure the things that matter most get the time and attention they deserve!

Step 4: Tackle Time Traps. Identify the most common traps that steal your time and keep you from your ideal life.

Step 5: Claim Your Time Freedom!

(This self-paced program is derived from the original live Time Freedom Challenge event in September of 2022.)

You Can Be On Time!

Do you struggle with punctuality?  

Learn why you struggle! 

And get tools to improve your ability to be on-time, and reduce the stress in your life that comes from constantly racing the clock!

The Follow-Through Formula© 

Struggle with follow through and procrastination is the #2 complaint of the individuals that come to my coaching practice for help—second only to the most common complaint of feelings of unmet potential.

Why do we struggle to follow through?  Why do we procrastinate? 

We usually start off with the best of intentions.  We don’t want to disappoint ourselves or others but, so often, we don’t do what we intend to do when we intend to do it. 

When we fail to follow through on our intentions, we lose credibility—with others, and also with ourselves.  We stop trusting ourselves, and we lose faith in our abilities.  When we fail to follow through, we fall short of reaching our own potential. 

I created The Follow-Through Formula© to help you break the cycle of procrastination and shame, by helping you understand why you sometimes struggle to do what you intend to do, and to give you simple, practical solutions that you can put to work in your own life. 

Here’s what’s included:

  • The Follow-Through Formula© Audio download (MP3) is included so that  you can listen to the session at your own pace, and on-the-go;
  • The Follow-Through Formula© eBook download is included so that you can follow along to the audio, or read at your own pace; and
  • The Follow-Through Formula© Workbook to help you put the tools from the Formula to work for you, today!

Getting Things Done with ADHD

Often, it is the most simple and run-of-the-mill tasks that are a struggle for those of us with ADHD: paperwork, filing, reports, balancing the checkbook, de-cluttering, laundry, returning phone calls, housework, tax preparation, etc.  Part of the reason we beat ourselves up mercilessly about our struggles with these mundane things is that we know we’re ABLE to do these things. We know we’re bright enough. We know we’re intelligent enough, and we know we’re capable.  We have the means to do these things.  We know they need to be done and that we SHOULD be doing them, but we just can’t seem to bring ourselves to get them done. 

In this Session, I’ll explore why those of us with ADHD struggle to get done what we need to get done, and the most common obstacles we encounter to doing them. Finally, I’ll give you some practical solutions to help you overcome those obstacles, so that you can stop struggling to do what you need and want to do, and just Get Things Done!

Your purchase includes the Getting Things Done with ADHD audio download (MP3) so that you can listen to the session at your own pace and on-the-go, as well as a transcript (PDF) download with companion Fieldwork questions to help you work through the content. Regardless of your preferred method of learning, we have you covered: audio content for verbal processing, written content for visual processing, and interactive Fieldwork questions for tactile processing.

Simple Steps to Happier Holidays

Available for a Limited Time Only!

The Holiday Season can be extremely stressful for many of us who are affected by ADHD. The added demands on our overtaxed calendars and to-do lists, along with the avalanche of details to manage, can turn anyone a bit Hum Bug!

You’ll learn why those of us affected by ADHD (Adults and parents alike) often struggle during the Holiday season. You’ll learn practical tools to make this year, and future years, different so that you can actually enjoy the Holiday season for a change!

Your purchase includes the Simple Steps to Happier Holidays audio download (MP3) so that  you can listen to the session at your own pace and on-the-go, as well as a transcript (PDF) download with companion Fieldwork questions to help you work through the content.  You will also receive your own “Holiday Command and Control Center Template” which you can personalize to guide you to more peaceful, stress-free Holidays, year after year!

Don't just Survive the Holidays: Enjoy Them!

That First Step’s a Doozy! How to “Just Get Started”

That First Step’s a Doozy!
How to “Just Get Started”

with Lynne Edris

I know how frustrating it is that you know what you need to do. You even know how to do it! So, why isn’t it done already?

When we avoid or procrastinate on the things we intend to do, the Struggle with Getting Started is often at the core.

In this training replay,  you'll learn how your struggle to Get Started impacts your life, why you struggle to do what you intend to do, and walk away with simple, real-life tools to help you get started when you need to!

You'll get the audio recording mp3 download, the PDF transcript, and updated companion PDF worksheet, as well as important implementation exercises to help you make the most of this popular, archived training derived from the 2017 Succeed with ADHD Telesummit with Laurie Dupar.

I hope you find it helpful!


Time to Thrive!© 2022 Rewind

Available Now: This is the Rewind collection of the 2022 Time to Thrive!© Program resources!

Inside, you'll find all 4 weeks of Fast Action Guides, Trainings, Fieldwork and Guest Speaker Sessions! All recordings have both an audio MP3 version you can download to your own devices and listen to at your convenience, as well as video replay recordings you can watch within the membership site. Plus, I'm giving you bonus access to five of my most popular training replays that you won't find anywhere else! 

* Please note that the recordings of the sessions take longer to produce, so there will be a slight delay in their addition to the membership site. We appreciate your patience as we fill the site with content

Time to Thrive!© 2021 Rewind

This is the rewind collection of the 2021 Time to Thrive!© Program!

Inside, you'll find all 5 weeks' of Fast Action Guides, Trainings, Fieldwork and Guest Speaker Sessions! There are 15 trainings in all. All recordings have both an audio MP3 version you can download to your own devices and listen to at your convenience, as well as video replay recordings you can watch within the membership site. 

Inside, you'll find all 8 weeks worth of Fast Action Guides, Trainings, Fieldwork and Guest Speaker Sessions! All recordings have both an audio MP3 version you can download to your own devices and listen to at your convenience, as well as video replay recordings you can watch within the membership site. There are 24 training sessions in all from me (Lynne) and the Guest Experts to help you Master Your Time and Meet Your Potential! 

Here are a few of the training topics that were covered:

  • Getting the Right Things Done
  • Anxiety
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Your Productivity Secret Weapon
  • Finding Joy
  • Get Organized
  • Mastering Motivation
  • Getting the Most of your Medical Care
  • Thinking Traps
  • Life on Autopilot
  • Mindset
  • Communication
  • Procrastination Breakthrough
  • and more!

Here are just a few of the guest experts who joined us:

  • Dr Kenny Handelman
  • Dr Sharon Saline
  • Linda Roggli
  • Brendan Mahan
  • Tara McGillicuddy
  • Bonnie Mincu
  • Nikki Kinzer
  • Tamara Rosier
  • Roxanne Jarrett
  • and more

Jump in and learn to Master Your Time and Meet Your Potential with us!

Time to Thrive!© 2020 Rewind

This is the Rewind collection of all the program resources from the inaugural 2020 Time to Thrive!© Program!

Inside, you'll find all 8 weeks worth of Fast Action Guides, Trainings, Fieldwork and Guest Speaker Sessions! All recordings have both an audio MP3 version you can download to your own devices and listen to at your convenience, as well as video replay recordings you can watch within the membership site. There are 24 training sessions in all from me (Lynne) and the Guest Experts to help you Master Your Time and Meet Your Potential! 

Here are a few of the training topics that were covered:

  • Focus
  • Motivation
  • Chaos to CALM
  • The Pillars of Productivity©
  • Connection
  • Clutter
  • Overwhelm
  • Energy Management
  • Procrastination
  • Fear
  • Decision-Making
  • Prioritizing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • and more!

Here are just a few of the guest experts who joined us:

  • Dr Edward "Ned" Hallowell
  • Dr Kenny Handelman
  • Tara McGillicuddy
  • Alan Brown
  • David Giwerc
  • Laurie Dupar
  • Diane O'Reilly
  • and more!

Jump in and join us!

10 Rules for ADHD-Friendly Organization

10 Rules for ADHD-Friendly Organization
with Lynne Edris

When we speak of someone who is “organized”, we’re often describing that they exude an overall sense that they “have it together.” They’re on top of things.

Isn’t that the bigger picture kind of organization most of us want more of in our lives?

But many of us know all too well that it’s impossible to “have it together” if you can’t find where you put it! Physical organization is a really crucial part of that bigger picture kind of organization.  We need to have and maintain a sense of order and logic in our physical surroundings, in order to be able to function effectively and with less stress. Without physical organization, it’s virtually impossible to manage your time well, to be punctual, to be on top of what needs to be done and when. 

Learn 10 Simple Rules you can use today to get and stay organized in ways that work for you!

Originally from the 2015 Succeed with ADHD Telesummit, Lynne Edris joined Laurie Dupar in this archived training recording and updated companion worksheet, to help you

  • Learn the impact of disorganization on your life. (It’s more than just the obvious!)
  • Learn why those of us with ADHD so often struggle with organization
  • Learn the 10 Simple Rules for ADHD-Friendly Organization
  • Get practical, real-life strategies to get organized and STAY organized in ways that work for you, for good!

You'll receive access to an audio MP3 download of the training, a downloadable PDF transcript, as well as an updated version of the downloadable PDF worksheet with important implementation Fieldwork through our private member portal. 

I hope you find it helpful!


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